Encyclopedia Items Excellent student backpack

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Excellent student backpack
Excellent student backpack




Type: box


Awarded to outstanding students for completing the teacher's test. $7$Right click and use to get one of the following items: $47$Excellent Student Medalx1 $47$Almighty Energy Soupx1 $47$Smart Sun Eggx1 $47$Crispy Scallion Omelettex1 $47$Frozen Cloud Eggsx1 $47$Spicy and Spicy Eggsx1 $47$Soft and Smooth Eggsx1 $47$Title Redemption -2018 School Opening Festivalx1 $47$10 Dragon Coin Bags (Limited) x1


Almighty Energy Soup
Almighty Energy Soup
1 13
smart sun egg
smart sun egg
1 13
Crispy Scallion Omelette
Crispy Scallion Omelette
1 13
Frozen Cloud Eggs
Frozen Cloud Eggs
1 13
Spicy and Spicy Egg
Spicy and Spicy Egg
1 13
Soft and smooth eggs
Soft and smooth eggs
1 13
Outstanding Student Medal
Outstanding Student Medal
1 2
Title Exchange Coupon-2018 School Opening Festival
Title Exchange Coupon-2018 School Opening Festival
1 6
10 Dragomon Points (Bound)
10 Dragomon Points (Bound)
1 14