Encyclopedia Items summer heat pack

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summer heat pack
summer heat pack




Type: box


$7$ Right-click to use to get one of the following items: $47$Cool Drink x1 $47$Cool Candy Ballx1 $47$Cream Puddingx1 $47$Cool Summer Watermelonx1 $47$Giant No Watermelon Fragment x1 $47$ Skill Board-Big Mac Watermelon x1 $47$Title Exchange Scroll-2018 Summer Festival x1 $47$10 points of hospitality coupons (limited)x1 $7$At the same time Get the following items: $47$Sweet Watermelon x1


10 Loyalty Points (Bound)
10 Loyalty Points (Bound)
1 10
sweet watermelon
sweet watermelon
1 100
cool drink
cool drink
1 15
Cool Candy Balls
Cool Candy Balls
1 19
refreshing pudding
refreshing pudding
1 20.5
Cool summer watermelon
Cool summer watermelon
1 15
Title Exchange Coupon-2018 Summer Festival
Title Exchange Coupon-2018 Summer Festival
1 10
Big Mac Watermelon Shards
Big Mac Watermelon Shards
1 10
Skill Board - Throwing Big Mac Watermelon
Skill Board - Throwing Big Mac Watermelon
1 0.5