Encyclopedia Items step by step recipe

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step by step recipe
step by step recipe




Type: other Level: -1


The recipe that describes the recipe for the cooking "Boubu Gaosheng", the ingredients are "Big Chicken Dali x2" and "Super Premium Flour x1". $12$ After using "Step by Step", you can obtain the "Step by Step" status, which lasts for 5 minutes and has a chance to increase all attributes by 5% when attacking for 6 seconds. The effect disappears after death. $12$There can only be one effect of the Chinese New Year dish series $7$"Step by step" can be opened to get one of the following items: $47$Firecrackers x1 $47$Partners' Awakening Experience Crystalx1 $47$ Angel Hairpin Gift Bag (Headwear) (Limited)x1 $47$Shenyan Feather Bag (Headwear) (Limited)x1 $47$Bow Hairband Gift Bag (Headwear) (Limited)x1 $47$Feathers Top hat tote bag (Headwear) (limited) x1 $47$3 Star Transformation God Metal (limited) x1 $47$3 Star Jewelry Transformation Gem (limited) x1 $47$ Advanced Equipment Transformation Volume (limited) x1 $47 $3-Tier Treasure Amulet (limited) x1 $47$500 Hospitality Points (limited) x1 $47$200 Hospitality Points (limited) x1 $47$2-Tier Treasure Amulet (limited) x1