Encyclopedia Items Valentine's Chocolate Gift Box

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Valentine's Chocolate Gift Box
Valentine's Chocolate Gift Box




Type: box


$7$ Right-click to use to get one of the following items: $47$Headpiece-Love Chocolate (limited)x1 $47$Headpiece-Human Chocolate (3-day edition)x1 $47$Sweet Chocolate x1 $47$Bitter Chocolate x1 $47$2017 Valentine's Day Title Redemption Coupon x1 $47$50 Hospitality Points x1 $47$Night Kingdom Treasure Box (Partner)x1 $47$Frost Witch Treasure Box (Partner)x1 $47$Earth Goddess Treasure Box (Partner)x1 $47$Housekeeping Elf Treasure Box (Partner))x1 $47$Archangel Treasure Box (Partner))x1 $47$Hundred Flowers Treasure Box (Partner) x1 $47$ Companion Awakening Star Stone (Limited) x1


50 Loyalty Points (Bound)
50 Loyalty Points (Bound)
1 10
sweet chocolate
sweet chocolate
1 15
bitter chocolate
bitter chocolate
1 15
2017 Valentine's Day Title Redemption Coupon
2017 Valentine's Day Title Redemption Coupon
1 10
Companion Awakening Star Stone (Limited)
Companion Awakening Star Stone (Limited)
1 0.01
Facial Ornament-Chocolate of Human Kindness (Three Days Edition)
Facial Ornament-Chocolate of Human Kindness (Three Days Edition)
1 9.99
Topping?Lover Chocolate
Topping?Lover Chocolate
1 4
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Kiyomi Grab Bag
1 6
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Pandora Grab Bag
1 6
Freya Grab Bag
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1 6
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Cindell Grab Bag
1 6
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Gabriela Grab Bag
1 6
Flora Grab Bag
Flora Grab Bag
1 6