2016 Thanksgiving Package
2016 Thanksgiving Package
Type: box
$7$Right-click to use to get the following items:
$47$Title Coupon-2016 Thanksgiving x1
$7$additionally gets one of the following items:
$47$Shard of Ancient Ruins x1
$47$Noodles-Skewer (Three Days Edition)x1
$47$Topping-Kebab x1
$47$Fire Turkey Summoning Whistle x1
$47$50 Bonus Coupon x1
$47$Tier 2 Treasure Amulet (Limited) x1
$47$Tier 3 Treasure Amulet (Limited) x1
$47$Premium Equipment Modification Scroll (Limited) x1
$47$500 hospitality voucher x1
$47$3 Star Transformation God Metal (Limited) x1