Encyclopedia Items Legendary Anniversary 17 Fun Gift Box (Limited)

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Legendary Anniversary 17 Fun Gift Box (Limited)
Legendary Anniversary 17 Fun Gift Box (Limited)




Type: box


$7$Right-click to use to get one of the following items: $47$10 Magic Gems Gift Box (Limited) x17 $47$Magic Gems 10 Gift Box (Limited) x15 $47$Magic Gems 10 Gift Box (Limited) x13 $47$10 Magic Gems Gift Box (Limited) x10 $47$10 Magic Gems Gift Box (Limited) x5 $47$10 Magic Gems Gift Box (Limited) x4 $47$Transmutation Gems 10 Gift Box (Limited) x3 $47$Magic Gems 10 Gift Box (Limited) x2 $47$10 Magic Gems Gift Box (Limited) x1 $7$also has a chance to get one of the following items: $47$Fashion Dye Bag x17 $47$Fashion Reconstruction Light Powder x17 $47$Balvis' Blessingx17 $47$Companion Awakening Starstone x17 $47$Unidentified Dragon King Contract Fragment x17 $47$Unidentified Awakened Dragon King Contract Fragment x17