Prince of Versailles Gift Box (M) (Clothing)
Prince of Versailles Gift Box (M) (Clothing)
Type: box
Noble and elegant royal clothing.
$7$Right-click to use to get one of the following items:
$47$Hand-dyed Prince of Versailles(M)x1
$47$Costume-Prince of Versailles (M)x1
$47$Costume-Prince of Versailles (M) (Three Days Edition)x1
$47$Tier 2 Treasure Amulet x1
$47$Tier 1 Treasure Amulet x2
$47$10 Dragon Coin Bag (Limited) x2
$47$Warehouse Calling Card x2
$47$Auction Calling Card x2
$47$Forge Artisan Calling Card x2
$47$Basic Gear Mods x4
$47$HP Powerful Potion x2