Encyclopedia Items Advanced Competitive Event Reward Box

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Advanced Competitive Event Reward Box
Advanced Competitive Event Reward Box




Type: box


$7$Right-click to use to get one of the following items: $47$Old ornate treasure chest x1 $47$Mythical weapon boxx1 $47$Mythic armor boxx1 $47$Advanced equipment modification Volume (Limited) x1 $47$200 Hospitality Points (Limited) x1 $47$50 Hospitality Coupon Points (Limited) x1 $47$10 Hospitality Points (Limited) x2 $47$ Intermediate Partner Sweet Gift x1 $47$Material Supply Box-Catalog 3x1 $47$Material Supply Box-Catalog 4x1 $47$Material Supply Box-Catalogue 5x1 $47$Material Supply Box-Catalog VIx1


Advanced Gear Evolution Scroll (Bound)
Advanced Gear Evolution Scroll (Bound)
1 0.1
Standard Sweet Companion Gift Bag
Standard Sweet Companion Gift Bag
1 29
10 Loyalty Points (Bound)
10 Loyalty Points (Bound)
2 36.3
Material Box - Type III
Material Box - Type III
1 8
Mythic Weapon Chest
Mythic Weapon Chest
1 0.05
Mythic Armor Chest
Mythic Armor Chest
1 0.04
old ornate treasure box
old ornate treasure box
1 0.01
50 Loyalty Points (Bound)
50 Loyalty Points (Bound)
1 2
200 Loyalty Points (Bound)
200 Loyalty Points (Bound)
1 0.5